Expression of Thanks
We like to express our thanks to
the VVV (tourist office and improvement society) Uelsen for the permission
to republish parts of their printed material on this site. In particular
we thank Mr Geert Vrielmann-Jacobs for his articles,
the local authorities of the municipality Uelsen. They have left
us the Heimatbriefe (Home Letters) for electronical publishing. Apart
from that, the local authorities take a positive view of our activities
(see guestbook entry of Mr Schieving). Thank you.
This is not necessarily the most natural thing in the world, far often
small intellectuality and an alledged safeguarding are making a constructive
coexistence impossible. It is nice to realize that things are being handled
differently at Uelsen.
Many thanks to all those visitors, who have left an entry in our guestbook
or who send us a reaction by email. We are really pleased about these
A last 'thank you' (unbeknown) to the guys of