



Photos of Uelsen and its Surroundings

Here you will find some photos of Uelsen and the surrounding region. The photo collection is divided into five series. Each serie has an overview and contains up to 15 photos.

From every photo it is possible to scan through all series of the photo collection. Choose a serie (overview) or start directly with the first photo.

Available Series
 Uelsen (I)   Uelsen (II)   Uelsen (III)  Surroundings (I)   Surroundings (II) 

Photos of the new wind park at Wilsum
Windpark at Wilsum 

In 2000, the uelsen shooting club celebrated its 150th year of existence. Here are some pictures of the arcs, which were created and erected in the village. In addition, you may listen to the Uelsen song.

 Arcs 2000 




Created: Sep 04, 2001, last modification: Jul 11, 2005