



The Home Letters of the Municipality Uelsen

The home letters (Heimatbriefe) are reviews of the year's local events in the municipality Uelsen. The letters are assembled and are then published at the end of a year. To the local citizens, the letters offer the possibility of contemplative memories during chistmas time. For former citizens of Uelsen the home letters are a compact source of information. We are pleased to be able to publish the home letters (with permission of the local authority) in 'electronical' form for the first time. We start with the home letter nr. 44 of the year 1997. The home letters are available in German language only.

Heimatbrief 1997  Heimatbrief 1998  Heimatbrief 1999  Heimatbrief 2000  Heimatbrief 2001 

Heimatbrief 2002  Heimatbrief 2003  Heimatbrief 2004  Heimatbrief 2005  Heimatbrief 2006 
There is no Home Letter 2007.
Heimatbrief 2008  Heimatbrief 2009  Heimatbrief 2010  Heimatbrief 2011  Heimatbrief 2012 
Homeletters Heimatbriefe 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 do not exist or have not been to our avail.
Heimatbrief 2018  Heimatbrief 2019  Heimatbrief 2020  Heimatbrief 2021  Heimatbrief 2022 
Heimatbrief 2023  Heimatbrief 2024 

Note: The home letters have been put into a single page (approx. 90 kB). You may save the page locally onto your computer (and read it offline) or print it. From home letter 2018 on, the letters are in PDF format.

Geert Vrielmann-Jacobs let us have the Heimatbrief nr 1 of the year 1961. Fred Knief typed it over on a long sunday. We are happy to present the very first home letter of the local administration Uelsen for a back-view onto the past.

 Heimatbrief 1961 




Created: May 13, 2002, last modification: Feb 4, 2025